This is a list of what I’d like to get done in my home this year. The list is extensive but not exhaustive. For example, I really want to change out the carpet in my dining room and living room but know that I will not do it this year.
- paint the walls
- paint the cabinet
- frame the mirror
- repair ceiling hole
- put shelves over the toilet
- change out the lighting
- change out the flooring
- remove the medicine cabinet
- place shelves where medicine cabinet was
- upgrade/update bathroom fan
- change out toilet (maybe)
- change out faucets (2)
- change out pipes under the sinks
- install chandelier type light
- Clean out
- move hutch to another wall
- move table
- declutter hutch
- Declutter
- Paint (?)
- Paint cabinets
- Replace light
- Fix drawer
- Declutter cabinets
- Clean out and re-organize pantry
- Clean out the storage box. I have not touched this spot since I moved here in 2004. I’ve added stuff but haven’t paid much attention to it. It’s not something that I use often or need to go into on a regular basis.
- Clean out!! Another space that I haven’t touched in 15 years which logically means that the stuff can just go. However, there are some very sentimental items here that will require care (for my emotional state as opposed to the actual items).
- send handmade cards to family and friends every month
- Project Life 2020-I will talk more about my new plan for documenting my day to day life when I post my December pages
- photo project-delete bad/duplicate photos; organize folders
- complete one craft/decor project each month
- set workout and strength training goals each month
- incorporate 1 new healthy habit each month
- read one spiritual/personal growth book each month
- daily gratitude journal
- write monthly budget and adjust as needed
- do at least 2 no spend months
- enact debt reducing strategy (cut back, sell stuff, increase income)
This is the master plan. Each month, these goals will be part of my monthly goals post. And now……..
Are you as surprised as I am??!! I had been having a really hard time coming up with a word that really resonated with me and nothing was revealing itself. And then, as I’m working on posts and goals and thinking about this coming year it just came to me.
One of the things that enhances my life is when I am able to be with others and help others and when I ask for help. Toward the end of the year, I had people over and loved it. I want to do more of that. It made me realize that I also need practice asking for help with my home projects when needed. There are a couple of projects that I know I will need extra hands to complete. I’m so used to doing things on my own that asking for help is not something that comes easily to my thinking. I don’t have any issues with asking, I just don’t necessarily think to do it.
As I said in a previous post, this word of the year will be added to my monthly goals post where I will describe how I practiced this concept each month.
Whew!! Feels like a lot but I’m excited to start and get stuff done! What do you think? Is this list too short, too long, missing anything? SHARE IN THE COMMENTS.