HOLIDAY CARD-staying in touch

Christmas theme cookies

For the past several years now, I have opted to hand make my holiday card. Again, this is something that I enjoy even when it gets stressful. The one thing I would like to do better (and plan to) is to have my card ready with enough time so that I don’t feel rushed.
I did manage to get my cards mailed out on December 16 which is good but I wanted to send them out last week. I didn’t finish everything until the 15th so the 16th was the earliest in could get done. It’s before Christmas day so I’ll take it.

Most of my cards have several pieces that need to be cut and then assembled. Additionally, the paper for the card base has to be cut and folded as well as other card pieces that require cutting and in this case also embossed. None of it is particularly hard but it is time consuming. I send out about 50+ cards each year.

card grouping

Let’s not forget the inside!!

I usually like my cards-I wouldn’t send them out if I didn’t. This one though is one of my favorites! I hope that those who receive them can feel the love they were made with and like them as much as I do!

At the time that I am writing this (Monday, December 16), I have only received 2 holiday cards. I know that people don’t send out cards like they used to but I miss it.
What say you-send cards or NAH???? SHARE IN THE COMMENTS!!!

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
December 19, 2019 8:19 am

Mine is coming out on Friday – nothing like the last minute!

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