November Project Life-Memory Keeping

memory keeping

Eleven months into my annual memory keeping project and I am right on time!! Honestly, I am more surprised than anyone. Projects like this are fun to do but easy to get behind on. I have some ideas about why I have kept up this year as well as my plans for 2020. I will still do a memory keeping project but I am going to change it up a little. Stay tuned for more details.

This month was not easy to get done and done on time. All of the photos were taken and printed but I had kept getting distracted with other tasks-mostly holiday related!! However, we have made it. I hope you enjoy my month as much as I did!!



For fun, I decided to start taking photos of outfits that I really like and think that I look good in! You may be seeing an upcoming blog post with more of these outfits!


Life was fun this week. The Warriors, who are not doing well, won another game, I went to see Tab Benoit and also saw a really good foreign film, Pain and Glory.


Highlights this week include my getting a new Apple watch, finally starting on my holiday cards and seeing another really great foreign film, Parasite.


My brand new passport arrived and I could not be happier!!! They told me it would take about 8 weeks after my appointment but it only took 2!


Most of this week was spent in Southern California visiting my family for Thanksgiving. It was tons of fun and I was thrilled to have gotten my holiday decor completed before leaving. I came back to a home filled with holiday decor and have been enjoying it ever since.

One more memory keeping month to go for 2019. I always enjoy looking back at my albums seeing what has changed and what hasn’t.
Share in the comments if you have any thoughts about annual memory keeping.

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