December Monthly Goals

We’ve made it to the home stretch for our monthly goals. It’s time to look back at November and make plans for December. I promised myself that I would not be too hard on myself since I was gone for a week and because this time of year is busier than usual.

Let’s look back at November and see how well I did or didn’t do:


  • -dispose vacuum-NOPE
  • -choose light for master bedroom closet-NOPE but I did do some looking online and at Home Depot-haven’t seen anything that makes me want to pull the trigger
  • -dispose of at least some e-waste items-NOPE but I did put a lot of stuff in my car so that I can get rid of things when I’m out and about
  • -put up mirror frame in the master bath-NOPE but I did write a post about why this didn’t happen
  • -design and start holiday card-DONE
  • -put up holiday decor-DONE
  • -shampoo hall carpet-NOPE


  • Workout 15 times-completed 13 times
  • Strength train 8 times-completed 6 times
  • Fasting 16 times-completed 12 times
  • Water intake-40 ounces-21 days-COMPLETED


  • Finish a personal growth/spiritual book-NOPE
  • Finish listening to Manifest Now-NOPE


  • Transfer ALL photos from old laptop to my new laptop-I have thousands of photos on my old laptop so this is a laborious process albeit a necessary one-SURPRISINGLY, I GOT THIS DONE, DONE, DONE!!

I am not going to stress out about not meeting the goals this month. I’m going to move forward and just do the best I can in this upcoming month!



  • E-waste-get rid of as much stuff as possible
  • Bring donations to Goodwill
  • Work on Creative goals
  • Work on Year End goals


  • Workout x 15
  • Strength Train x 4
  • Intermittent fasting x 10
  • Water Intake-40 ounces per day x 22


  • Finish Manifest Now book

So how are your monthly goals going? Next month, I look forward to reviewing not just December but all of 2019 to see exactly what I accomplished.
Best of luck with your goals if you’re working on something. I look forward to hearing how you’re doing.
Let’s finish 2019 strong!

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December 5, 2019 7:25 am

Not sure if I mentioned it before but Goodwill makes it easy – they take ewaste along with donations. Two for one!

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