Mirror Frame Project-when things don’t go as planned

I had scheduled an update wishing, hoping and thinking that the mirror frame would be in place. I was so looking forward to crossing that project off of my list! Well, it was not to be and I should have known because this is generally how my projects go. I have a plan, things don’t go as planned and I have to re-group.

Initially, I thought that I would either skip this post or put up a filler post & then I changed my mind. The truth is, my projects don’t always go smoothly or as planned. Part of the learning process is figuring out what to do when things DON’T go as planned. It’s frustrating and annoying but in the end it’s usually helpful!

mirror frame
Here is the frame assembled & ready to be placed!

So, I’m going to share with you what didn’t work out and my current plan to resolve it. Enjoy!!

As usual, this is the starting point. Everything has to be moved out of the way so that I can work freely.

prep work for mirror frame

The first thing that became clear was that this silver piece had to be removed. I thought that I could bend it and then pry it off but I was wrong. As it turns out, the mirror sits in the middle of it so prying will not work.

silver piece that needs to be  removed
silver frame for mirror

I tried to just push the wood frame piece onto the mirror but it didn’t work for 2 reasons. (1) the silver piece wouldn’t budge and (2) see next!!

The other thing that I screwed up was using the wrong adhesive!

mirror with wrong adhesive

I used wood glue which is great for gluing wood to wood but not wood to glass!! The frame simply would not grip the glass!!Yikes!!

So……..what’s next??!!?

I am going to try & cut the front piece away from the frame. If that doesn’t work, I will loosen the mirror from the wall, hold it up (not by myself) & remove the silver piece that way.

box cutter for silver piece
Will it work???

That’s the update!! I’m glad I didn’t hide my frustration & just share the finished state!!

What do you do when projects go off the rails??!!

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