November Goals-October Results

It is getting to the end of the year(!) and the goal chase continues. Sometimes I feel very accomplished and other times I feel like I spin my wheels. I feel very busy and in some areas I seem to get a lot done but in others not so much.
With that said, let’s review how October turned out and get ready to slay in November.


Dispose broken vacuum-NOPE
Finish mirror frame-YEP. The pieces are in deed finished but I did not get it up yet.
Shampoo hall carpet-NO & YES. I actually changed my mind and ended up shampooing are very high traffic area in my living room.
E-waste donation-NOPE. Truth be told, I simply need to put the items in my car so that I can dispose of the items when I am out and about rather than trying to schedule a “disposal” day. This is a task that will always get pushed down the “to-do” list.
Complete and submit passport application-YES!!! I am very excited that this is done and turned in. This could have been a much easier task if I had done it earlier this year (JUNE) when I first decided that I wanted to update my passport. You see, you can renew your passport, even an expired one, if you get it in before the 15 year mark. That’s 15 years from the issue date not the expiration date. My passport was expired in 2014 but was issued in June 2004. If I had renewed it before the end of June, I could have simply done the renewal application instead of a whole new application for a lesser fee and lesser hassle. I actually had to go into the local post office for a passport appointment.
It actually wasn’t that bad and didn’t take that long but lesson learned. From now, I will not let my passport expire and will keep it renewed as necessary.

Workout 15 times-YES!! I worked out exactly 15 times this month. I was so determined to meet this goal that I worked out 7 days in a row so that I could!
Strength train 8 times-ALMOST! I managed 7 strength training sessions this month. This is the best I’ve done since I started tracking this goal.
Fasting 16 times-YES!! I managed 19 fasting days. My fasting goal is generally 16 hours but some days due to scheduling it may be 12-14 hours. Most days though it’s 16 hours.
Water intake-40 ounces-5 days per week-YES!! I actually forgot to put this one on the blog list but I did put it on my tracking list. I had done pretty well with 36 ounces intake that I felt it was time to update it.

Finish one spiritual personal growth book-IN PROGRESS. I did start Manifest Now by Adil Ahmed and got about 75% through it. However, I was finding that I wanted to listen to this book while NOT driving because there was exercises and notes that I wanted to take. I decided that I will finish listening and then re-listen when I’m not in the car driving around.

And now, onto the current month!


It should not surprise you that many of the goals this month, are ones that you’ve read about recently.

  • Dispose vacuum
  • Choose light for master bedroom closet
  • Dispose of at least some e-waste items
  • Put up mirror frame in master bath
  • Design and start holiday card
  • Put up holiday decor
  • Shampoo hall carpet


  • Workout 15 times
  • Strength train 8 times
  • Fasting 16 times
  • Water intake-40 ounces-21 days

You’ll notice that these goals are not different from last month. This is on purpose. As we get deeper into the holiday season, it will become more difficult to reach even the usual, basic goals. For me, this is not the time to get ambitious but it is important to at least maintain good habits.


I have decided to take on break on setting financial goals for the rest of the year. I have mixed feelings about doing this because I’ve gained some insight into my relationship with money (good and bad) and I don’t want to lose that momentum. However, I just know that now is not the right time to focus on this area. In January, I will re-set. I know that I will do some no spend months in 2020. I tried this a couple of years ago and it was successful not just financially but in several areas.


  • Finish a personal growth/spiritual book
  • Finish listening to Manifest Now


I have a whole list of creative goals that I want to complete before the end of the year. The only way to have a shot to get them done is to add them to my list.

  • Transfer ALL photos from old laptop to my new laptop-I have thousands of photos on my old laptop so this is a laborious process albeit a necessary one.

Ten months down and two months to go!! Early in January, I will do a post documenting my goals for all of 2019 and seeing how I did. I’ll be interested to see if it comes out how I think. I will also be interested to see what I accomplished that I hadn’t planned on. I know that sometimes I get sidetracked from my stated goals and end up doing projects that weren’t on the radar.
How are your goals coming along? Do you have specific plans for the final two months or will you be satisfied with whatever you do?
Share in the comments!

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