Creative Goals-Nov-Dec 2019

You may wonder why I’m setting creative goals for the rest of the year when I’ve already set goals to take me through this final quarter of 2019.
The reason is fairly simple. I want to make sure that I focus on these areas because I typically don’t and it’s easy to let this area slide. The medium and larger projects get the focus while the smaller and often more creative goals seem to get pushed back or plain forgotten.

A couple of these goals made it onto the major goal list but not all of them. I chose these because they will have the largest emotional and psychological impact on me. Meaning, I will be thrilled and feel very accomplished when these get done. And when I feel accomplished, I get more done!

Creative To-Do List

  • Make & send holiday cards
  • Transfer all photos onto new laptop-I recently got a new laptop and not surprisingly I have thousands of photos! I need to move them over to the new laptop but I also want to organize much more efficiently (hence, the next goal). Since I’ll be moving items over in stages, it seems to be a good time to handle this task. Also, this is a task that can be done while sitting on the couch while watching tv!!
  • Organize photos into albums on laptop
  • Delete bad/duplicate photos
  • Decorate Christmas tree
  • Take family photos at Thanksgiving-print and frame for family members
  • Set up planner for 2020

While this list is neither extensive or particularly challenging, it is meaningful!!

Tell me, do you set goals in categories? Does this make sense to you?
Share in the comments!

P.S. I’m not a big Halloween fan but if you are, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
I’ll be watching Thursday Night Football hoping that my SF 49ers remain undefeated and go 8-0!!!

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