Last Quarter of the Year Goals-end on a high note

This is the last 3 months of not just this year but also of this DECADE!! I don’t point this out to stress anyone out but to just be conscious of the time we have left in this year and not let time just “get away” from us and then wonder where it went.

As this year winds down, it’s a good time to make plans and finish the year strong.  Later, likely early next year, I will review all that I accomplished this year.  


Today, I want to focus on what I plan to get done by the end of this year..
This is a busy time of year for everyone and not generally the best time to get HUGE projects done but more than enough time to make some decent sized dents. 


Here are my dents:

  • Mirror frame-finish and put it up
  • Dispose of all e-waste through donation or appropriate disposal
  • Shampoo carpets in high traffic areas-hallway, guest room, living room
  • Ceiling repair-master bathroom
  • Make holiday cards
  • Send out holiday cards between December 4-11
  • Decorate for the holidays
  • Visit family for Thanksgiving
  • Visit family for Christmas
  • Complete & submit passport application 
  • Complete process for Clear/TSA precheck
  • Connect blue ray player to guest room tv (for streaming channels)
  • Hang light fixture in my master closet
  • Empty out all donations-end of December
  • Enjoy the fall and holiday seasons!!


life updates

I can’t decide if this list is challenging enough or not. My main goal is to not give any momentum that I’ve built up over the past quarters.
I’m trying to keep the list productive without it being too challenging or overwhelming.  There needs to be time for socialization and celebration, too. 
Additionally, I still have to make time for the “other” house tasks that don’t make these types of lists like doing the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc….

I’ve included visiting my family on the list because they live long distance and I travel to see them. For Thanksgiving that means I’m away from my home for 5-6 days and for Christmas I’m gone for about 7-10 days. This is at least 2 solid weeks that I don’t get to work on my own home stuff. However, I refuse to treat visiting my family as a failure!

I also need to be clear, especially with myself about all of the tasks I like to complete during the holidays.  I enjoy making my holiday cards but it takes time. If I choose to make the time to do that, then something else won’t get done during this time. 

So tell me, what do you think about my list? Is there anything on it that shouldn’t be or am I missing something?
How about you? Anything you want to get done before the end of this decade???


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