August Project Life-finally caught up

Normally, I would have my project life monthly photos posted around the middle of the month (that’s usually the plan anyway). However, with my summer “break” everything got pushed back a bit. This is the last post of those items that I needed to get caught up on. From now on, you should be seeing these posts return again to the middle of the month.

Without further ado, here is my life in photos for the month of August.


This first week of the month was punctuated by attendance at the wedding of my friends daughter. It was elegant and beautiful and I loved the opportunity to dress up.
I also finally cleaned out a box that I had been dragging around my house for several years.


I have some very talented friends and it was amazing to see a play written by one friend and directed by another performed live in San Francisco.


More real life where I’m trying out a keto chocolate chip cookie recipe, getting a work out in, seeing a movie with my “other” book club and working on an organizing task.


A few fun things this week: I got new glasses, NFL preseason football starts (I’m a 49er fan) and a friend introduced me to a beautiful and tranquil Japanese garden that is less than 5 miles from my house. I look forward to spending some quiet, meditative time here in the near future.


And the final week of the year found me headed to Las Vegas to celebrate my friend, Debbie’s birthday! It was tons of fun and I think what made it so was having activities planned out including our relaxing time.
And something I’m sure you’ll hear about more in the future is working with my Alexa and smart home devices. For a person like me who is not a techie, I am very much enjoying some home automation.

How are your memory efforts coming along? Are you caught up or feel like you are falling further and further behind? My advice if you feel like you’re behind and wonder if you’ll ever catch up is to just do something. You don’t have to get it all done in a day, week, month or even a year. Just work on it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and advice. Share in the comments!

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