Typically, when I do these posts, I report on the previous month results when I tell you what the goals will be for that current month. I’m changing it up this one time so that I can get you all caught up after my summer break.
Later on this month, we’ll get back on track with goals for September.


Many of my August goals are repeats from July. Truth be told, I was still in vacation mode but starting to feel like I was ready to get back into it!
Get electrician estimatesFAIL
Recycle CD’s-FAIL
Finish the mirror frame-PARTIAL SUCCESS-STARTED
Research e-waste disposal-FAIL


Work out 16 timesCOMPLETED 9 TIMES
Strength training 2 times per week (8 times total)-COMPLETED 4 TIMES
Intermittent fasting 4 times per week (16 times total)-SUCCESS


Pay the dental billCONTINUED FAIL


Continue documenting in my wellness plannerSUCCESS-I continue to use my wellness planner and enjoy using it.
Daily gratitude journaling-SUCCESS-For whatever reason, I have NOT found it difficult to keep up with this daily task. I actually find it very calming as I write out my daily gratitude right before I go to bed.

September goals will be coming up soon. As we set goals moving forward, it is really important to remember that we all start to get busy(ier) around this time of year. I find that it’s important to still set goals to keep the momentum going. Depending on what your life is like, it may not be the best time to set HUGE goals. I’m feeling ready though to get some of this old stuff off of the list to make room for new goals.

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