Monthly Goals Catch Up-July

I know that we are in September but I wanted to catch you up with my monthly goals.  Even though, I wasn’t blogging, I still set goals. I was kind of in a summer vibe so I didn’t meet many goals but I still got some stuff done.  

So where did we leave off? I told you what my plans were for July but have not followed up with the results. July is when my “feeling summer vibes” really kicked in and I did not feel like doing much. Oh well. Moving forward now……………………

JULY GOALS with results


Recycle the CD’sFAIL-As I stated, I did find a location where the CD’s could be recycled and I was supposed to take them there. I didn’t do it and still haven’t. Stayed tuned.

Frame the mirror in the master bathPARTIAL SUCCESS-The mirror is not yet framed but I did get the wood and have stained part of it.

Get estimates from an electrician to change out the lighting in the kitchen and master bathFAIL-Just didn’t do it.

Research places to take e-waste (electronics)FAIL-I did do some research but I got bored and overwhelmed pretty quickly and just decided to back burner this one.


Workout 16 timesPARTIAL SUCCESS-I got in 10 workouts which is better than none!
Strength train 2 times per week (8 times total)FAIL-I only got in 2 sessions this month.
Eat more vegetables-minimum of 3 servings per day-FAIL-This is actually not a complete fail but the truth is that I got overwhelmed with the tracking aspect. It’s not like I didn’t eat any vegetables this month. One of the things I did become aware of though is that I get more veggies in during the week vs the weekend. When I bring my lunch to work, I include a couple servings of veggies and I eat them. On the weekends, not so much. As this is an area that I really want to improve, I’ll shoot for a lesser goal to start and build up.


Pay the dental bill or penalize myselfFAIL-I guess I need to decide what my penalty will be because I didn’t do and didn’t even think about it!


Continue reading my daily meditations bookFAIL-This is a fail because I don’t remember to read it even though it’s right next to my bed. The morning time would be best but I’m always rushing and slammed for time.
Start a wellness plannerSUCCESS-I did start this and have been keeping up with it. I will have an upcoming post sharing my wellness journal and the intent behind it.

So as you can see, July was kind of a bust in terms of goal completion. Just like my unplanned blog break though, I don’t feel bad about it. However, it got me thinking some about the difference between motivation and discipline. You need both to keep moving forward! Discipline is doing what you DON’T feel like doing because it gets you closer to the place you want to be. Sometimes you can feel unmotivated but motivation comes and goes. Discipline is all on you. It’s what you do and not what you feel. The good news though is that discipline can be practiced and strengthened.

Stay tuned for August goals and results as well as moving forward in September.
Any ideas for how I should penalize myself for not paying my dental bill? Is this even a good plan?
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