Unplanned Blog Break

You may have noticed that I’ve been absent from the blog for a bit. Other than my Words of Wisdom posts, I haven’t written any blog posts.  This break was unplanned but rather than feel guilty about it, I decided to lean into it as they say.
I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed and pressed and was not able to keep up with all of the tasks required to keep this little blog up and running.  I really enjoy writing this blog as well as working on the projects but I was having a hard time keeping up. The most challenging part is the photography. You need decent light to take even bad photos and I tend to do most of my blog work in the evenings.
Living my life and keeping up with ALL of the blog tasks just got hard .

I was feeling a “let’s enjoy summer” vibe and decided to take heed and take a break.  I did continue to work on projects, make some monthly goals and make plans for the future.  

So, this is to let you know that I will be back to my regular blogging schedule on Tuesday, September 3.   I’ll catch you up on what’s been going on (or not) and will also let you in on my future plans.  

Thanks for sticking with me and I’ll see you on Tuesday, September 3rd!

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