JULY Small Goals and June Results

Let’s review what I planned for June and see how I did.


-Choose paint samples for master bath cabinet-DONE.
I have actually decided to use the same color on the walls and the cabinets BUT in a different sheen. I plan to use a semi-gloss on the walls and a matte on the cabinet. And the winning color is……..WHITE DOVE
-Install new dishwasher-DONE
And of course, I did not install the dishwasher but I did have it done. You can read all about it here.
-Get estimates for kitchen and bathroom lights-INCOMPLETE
Time just got away from me with this one. Will move it to the July list.
-Bring donations to Goodwill-DONE
Here is my car packed to the brim with donations!!!


Research where and how to dispose of old compact discs and duplicate photos-DONE
After a bit of internet research, I found a local place that recycles compact discs. The research also make it clear that old photos could (1) not be recycled and (2) for privacy reasons should be shredded and disposed of in the garbage. That is what I did and here is the proof:


Exercise 15 times-DONE
Strength train 2 times per week-I managed 6 of 8 times this month.
Blood sugar tracking 4 times per week-DONE
I actually completed this 27 out of 30 days. I had a conversation with my doctor and we agreed that I should take my blood sugar every morning to get a better sense of how my body is using its insulin. The 3 days that I didn’t take my blood sugar, I simply forgot!
Meet activity goal 85%-Once again, I didn’t quite make the goal. I made my activity goal 22 out of 29 days (1 day I didn’t wear my watch so I didn’t track it). I have decided that this isn’t a goal that I really need to track to help my with my health goals. Many of the days that I didn’t hit the number, I wasn’t off by very much. Also, I have another health goal that I think needs to be addressed. Read on for July goals for the update.


Pay off dental bill-NOPE
Didn’t do it and again without good reason.
Choose one debt to reduce or pay off-DONE
I paid off a personal loan that was scheduled to be paid off in October.


Work on One Day My Soul Just Opened Up-CHANGED & DONE
I was excited to work on another book so I changed titles but the same author. I started working on Acts of Faith: Daily meditations for people of color by Iyanla VanZant.
I continue to work on my gratitude journal daily.

Overall, June was pretty successful. Choosing the paint color for the master bath refresh and getting all of those donations out of my house felt great!



Recycle the CD’s-I found a place local to me and I will bring them in this month.
Frame the mirror in the master bath.
Get the electrician estimates for the kitchen and master bath.
Research places to take e-waste (electronic)


Workout 16 times this month
Strength train 2 times per week (8 times total)
Eat more vegetables-minimum of 3 servings per day-in this case, a serving is 1 cup.
I do not like vegetables. However, for good health, I need to eat them. The daily recommended intake for my age group is 2.5 cups per day (which seems low).


Pay the dang dental bill! If I don’t do it this month, I should penalize myself in some way.


Continue with the daily meditations book.
Start a wellness planner. I got a planner to track my wellness activities including my fitness, mood and other types of self care.

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