House Update-Home Repair Plans

As I stated in a recent post, I am planning to take care of some home repairs that I have procrastinated on for a while. In an effort to really take care of my home (not just the pretty stuff), these are the areas that I will work on throughout the remainder of the year.
Some of these items will be DIY and some will be hired out. Let’s be real-some items may start DIY and then NEED to be hired out! I really do like learning about how to do things around my home so I will definitely try some repairs on my own first.

Home Repair List

  1. Kitchen light-change from fluorescent to recessed lighting or have a new fixture installed (hire out).
home repair

2. Repair kitchen drawer-I will continue to attempt to find the necessary hardware to fix the drawer. I have looked for the hardware on and off for awhile now. The issue is really that the drawers are older and the hardware isn’t really available. Drawers aren’t installed this way anymore. If I can’t find what I need, I will hire it out and let them figure it out. (DIY-hire out if necessary)

home repair
I need a piece in the back for the slide to rest.

3. Repair drywall in the ceiling in master bath-There was a leak from the 2nd floor unit and this portion had to be cut out to find the leak. The hole in the plastic was so that air could get through to dry out the joists. (hire out)

home repair

4. Replace bathroom exhaust fans in both bathrooms– I have lived in my home for 14 years and have never even cleaned the fans (gross, I know). This is something that I just don’t think about. As I work on the refresh for my master bathroom, I decided that the fan could use a refresh, too. (DIY)

home update

5. Repair or replace living room baseboard heater-I have baseboard heating throughout my home and it works pretty well. I am fortunate that I live in a place with a fairly mild climate. It doesn’t great crazy cold in the winter but we always have some days here and there between November and February where having heat comes in handy. I noticed in the winter of 2017 that the heater in the living room was not getting hot. After this winter of 2018, I decided that it was time to get it repaired or replaced. (hire out)

home repair

Master Bathroom Project

Another decision I’ve made with this refresh is that I’m not going to try and do it all at once.  I’m going to break it into small bite sized projects. I’m doing this so that I don’t (hopefully) get overwhelmed and then have a half done project for a really long time. In my mind, this means that I’ll finish one thing and then maybe move on to a smaller project or task in a  different room or just take a break.
Below is my plan for the DIY refresh:

  • replace both faucets
  • paint cabinet
  • paint walls
  • frame mirror
  • hang shelves over the toilet
  • change flooring
  • change lighting (hire out)

That’s what’s currently going on at Villa Patton! Never a dull moment and always something to do!
Share your home plans in the comments.

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