Home Update-I got a new dishwasher!!!!


FYI-this post was supposed to go live on Thursday, June 20 but I totally forgot!! I even thought I wrote it but I actually didn’t! I guess I just wrote it in my head! In any event…………

Back Story

I ordered this dishwasher online on April 1. I scheduled installation which I was hoping for in a week or so but it turned into 3 weeks. Installation was scheduled for Saturday, April 27 between 8 AM and noon. Everyone seems to have stories about missed deliveries, ill fitting machines, etc….and I was hoping that I wouldn’t have such a story.

Everything started out well. I got text messages throughout the week with my scheduled time delivery and install time and the installer even called me the evening before to confirm. All is good!! Though I hated having to be awake at 8 AM on a Saturday, I preferred the earlier time just in case there were delays. And of course, there were delays. However, the installer was very good about keeping me up to date and not leave me wondering. He finally arrived around 2 PM and boy was I excited. He arrived and went under my sink to start unplugging things and turning off knobs. He even thanked me for having the area all cleared out.

And then……..it happened. He asks me how long the current dishwasher had been there and I told him that it was here when I moved in at the end of 2004. He asked me if the water had been turned off recently to which I told him ‘no.’ Long story short, the water could not be shut off under the sink without great risk of the water valve breaking off and causing a flood. As you’ll recall, I live in a condo so the main water shut off is not only outside but it will shut off the entire building. Usually, only the water under the sink needs to be shut off to do a dishwasher installation. The installer did not want to risk breaking the water valve off and neither of us wanted to risk a flooded kitchen so………………………

I needed to (1) call a plumber to put on the new type of water shut off valve (it doesn’t get pressurized and get stuck like the old valves) and (2) make arrangements with the property management company to shut the water off to the building for a couple of hours.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed that I did not get to do a load of dishes in my new machine that day.
The other complication was that I was going to Vegas about 10 days from then and did not have a ton of time to coordinate everything.

The Story Continues

I waited until I returned from Vegas, called the plumber and arranged to have the water turned off. He showed me where the main shut off was (for future reference) and then went to changing out the water shut off valve.

The new water valves are a quarter turn to shut off so they don’t get pressurized and stuck even when they’ve been in the on position for years. I was initially quite annoyed about the situation and then I decided to re-frame my thinking and call this a blessing in disguise. My condo is over 35 years old and there have been some updates but items like shut off valves often don’t get updated until something goes wrong (which is usually bad). Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait for something to go bad and I got an upgrade! I even consider the cost of the plumber to be positive because I consider it the cost of prevention which is always cheaper than fixing something broken and/or damaged! And, I found a plumber that I really like and will use again when needed!
In addition to changing out the valve for the dishwasher, he also changed out the valve for the sink.
Now it’s time to re-schedule the install!

The Story Continues (some more)

During the original installation attempt, the installer informed me that there are only 2 installers for the Peninsula, South Bay and Coastside areas. When either is out or goes on vacation, installation times are very long. When I tried to re-schedule, I was getting dates into JULY!!!! That wasn’t going to work for me. So I called and was able to get a date in early June. I could have gotten a date in late May but that didn’t work for my schedule. So, on June 6 my new dishwasher was delivered and installed!!

But of course, it was not without drama. When the installer came in, he talked about the house that he had just completed and how difficult it was and how he hoped mine would be easy. He looks at the current dishwasher and says that he hopes the opening is tall enough!! I hold my breath as he measures and grumbles and then says, “yeah, I think it’s ok.”

It’s always fun at this point!! That cooper pipe is the conductor of the water that goes to the in door water dispenser in the refrigerator.

The Story Concludes (finally)

These things never go as quickly as I would like but the truth is that it was a fairly straight forward installation (thank goodness)!!

I generally only use the dishwasher about once per week so I didn’t do dishes for a few days before the install so that I could use it!!

So far, I’m pleased. I’ve only used it one more time since and the one thing that makes me laugh is how quiet it is. My old dishwasher was so loud and always sounded like it was straining and whining. The two times I’ve used my new one I’ve turned off the tv to make sure that it was actually working!! And I never know when it’s done because it doesn’t whine and then grunt! It does though have a light letting me know (yay for progress)!

I have another post coming up about the different ways I’m upgrading my home (not just decor) and this is just the beginning.

Tell me, what have you done or want to do in your home to upgrade it? Share in the comments!

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