MAY Project Life-my month in photos


Project life

I spent the first part of the month was spent in Las Vegas at the Go Wild planner conference. It was tons of fun and I had a great time exploring Vegas going places I hadn’t been to in a long time.


Project Life

Back to reality after Vegas and home projects are in the works. Finally got around to painting my CD rack that I removed from the living room months ago. And just like in April, my basketball team, the Golden State Warriors continues to advance in the playoffs and I am of course, thrilled!


Project life

I ordered a new dishwasher on April 1. After an initial delivery failure attempt three weeks later, I got a plumber out to upgrade the water valve under my sink from the old kind to the new kind (quarter turn) so that my machine can be installed! More home projects and celebrations are happening this week as well.


Project Life

Lots of action this week. We had to evacuate my building at work due to smoke being “somewhere” and the fire trucks showed up lights and sirens and cleared the issue. My sister celebrated her birthday and I went dancing! I also got together with my “babes” book club which is always a treat!


Project Life

Nothing particularly special happened this week but that’s life, right??!! Memorial Day, new shoes, CD rack put up, more basketball and my love of coffee are represented in this final week of the month!

The fifth month of 2019 is completed and documented!! What a pleasure! Stay tuned to see what the sixth month holds.

Happy memory keeping!

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