Home Update-keeping it real real

This post relates to my monthly goals post which will be coming next.

What’s Up

Even though I’ve been feeling fairly successful with completing my monthly goals, I have felt like something is missing or not quite right.
Recently, I had an epiphany and figured out what it was. It happened one night as I was sitting on my couch, watching television and feeling like I had made no progress with my home.
I realized that while I was getting medium and large sized projects done, I was neglecting the basics. For example, I did great with decluttering various areas of my home, but the items remain piled up in my dining room!

I have several home maintenance and repair projects that I have totally procrastinated on either doing or paying to have done. These things are not fun and pretty so it’s easy to keep putting them off. However, it impacts the energy in my home in a negative way. Every time I see that broken drawer or that box that needs to be cleaned out, it makes me not love my home as much.

What’s Next

I have several items that I need to get rid of and they can’t just be thrown in the garbage. In this case, I need to get rid of some old compact discs and duplicate photos.  I need to research and find out how I can appropriately dispose of these items.

I also need to get rid of several electronic items, including cords, old routers and modems, craft machines, GPS watch, an old tivo box and netbook.

home updates

When I decluttered my guest room and hall closets, I ended up with lots of stuff that needs to donated. I need to get them into the boxes that I saved to pack stuff in and take the donations in.

An unfinished craft project, race shirts to have made into a quilt and a box with “stuff” in it that I need to go through and put things away or donate.

home update
home update

The project that causes me to procrastinate the most is the pile of purses. I would like to try and sell them rather than donate but doing that definitely creates more work. This will likely be the last one I tackle because I want to “think” about it a bit more.

home update

So, for the next 3 months (June, July, and August), I am going to focus on dealing with these items that are around my house that keep getting put off or that I just ignore. I’m still going to work on other goals but will include these items as well.

In a different post, I will go over my home repair plans. Part of what I need to do is figure out if something will be DIY or hired out!

Wish me luck!

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