CD Rack Update (home)

As you’ll recall, last year I removed the CD rack from my living wall. No one, including me listens to CD’s anymore! For the longest while, I kept the rack in the guest room/office holding various items undecided on how I would use it. One day out of the blue, genius struck! I decided that I would use it to hold my handmade cards. Right now, the cards are spread out in different containers.
Using the rack will allow me to (1) keep the cards together (2) give me a sense of what cards I have and (3) empty and get rid of or re-purpose the containers.

Old Use

This is where I started. This IKEA purchase housed a ton of CD’s and it was time to move on.

I had put cards on it to get them out of the way and that’s when the idea struck. And I realized that I really liked the idea!

In the office holding “stuff”


My favorite painting spot is my balcony.

It’s all painted and back in it’s home. As you can see, the rack will sit next to my wrapping station.
It’s not really done. I have to go through some cards and figure out what will go where. I’ll probably label the shelves, too.

Yay! Another home task completed!!

Any questions? Ask in the comments.

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