Linen Closet Reorganization Update

Time to attack one of the items on my monthly goals list. The linen closet has been due for a reorganization for some time now. It became a “catch all” when my niece stayed with me last summer. It was time to get stuff in this closet to either their new homes or the donate (or garbage) pile.


This is the BEFORE which I don’t think is that bad.  There is a sense of organization yet many items are not in their proper spot or don’t belong.

The absolute best thing I did was to install this light to brighten up the space and make it easier to find what I’m looking for.
And, it’s motion activated so there’s no turning on and off.  It uses batteries but I’m hoping that they last since the light is not constantly on. 
It comes with a sticky back or you can attach it with screws which is what I did.  To change the batteries, you simply unscrew the top part.


If you know me at all, then you know that this is my favorite part of organizing projects! The empty shelves indicate that I can do whatever I want and I’m not stuck with what was already done.


It’s so nice to see shelves that are not crowded, like items together and to see able to see where everything is.
One of the big changes that will make life easier for me is that I moved the guest bedding from the top shelf to the floor. This makes it much easier for me to get to the bedding for my guests and more importantly easier to return when done!

I put my tools and DIY supplies on the top shelf. Still easy to access but not things that I use on the regular. The tools I use more often live in the cabinet in my guest room/office.

So there you have it! One major monthly goal item completed!
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