APRIL PROJECT LIFE-monthly memory keeping

Well, let’s see what this month has brought us in memory keeping.


This first week of April was fun for me. I took the week off from my full time job to do stuff around my house and just chill out. I finished the cleaning out of my guest closet, went to Costco (which I rarely do) and the laundromat (which I really needed to do).


Just a typical average week! Did a little shopping, some cleaning and went to see my friends daughter in a musical!


This week started with tax day! I always wait until the last minute to file and this year was no exception. However, because of changes in the tax law, I owed some money which did not make me happy. This week though was full with social activities including book club, seeing a movie with a friend and watching my niece in a stage reading.


Lots of home stuff this week. Did some cooking, got a couple of new lamps, a new vacuum and got my car washed. Most exciting though is that it’s NBA playoff time and my Warriors are doing well.


The final two days of the month highlight the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge and another Warriors victory!!

Another month full of memories!!

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