I managed to get my home decor signs up and it didn’t take 2 years!! I have a habit of buying or making things and then not getting them up for awhile. It’s a habit that I’m trying to break so I’m very proud of myself for getting this done less than a week after purchase.
These signs all went up in my hallway as planned. I also managed to handle another decor task (that I haven’t talked about on the blog).

But first, the wall decor:

This small sign is next to my front door. The other frame has been there for years and I still love it but I felt that I needed something different along with it.

This sign is at the end of my hallway next to the master bedroom. Previously, before the hallway refresh, there was a decorative plate holder that held no plates! I’ve always wanted to put a sign here and for the longest time I was sure that I would make something. Clearly, I did not but I am very happy with this result.

And finally, I decorated a space that I’ve had no idea what to with for a long time. I knew that I wanted something personal and homey. After I purchased these signs, inspiration struck!

This wall is next to my living room and kitchen and has been blank since the hallway refresh. I knew that I wanted to put up more photos around my home and this is a perfect spot to do it.
Do you see another project in the works??!!?? Let’s see how long it takes me to get it done!

And now the bonus………
For whatever reason, just the laws of the universe I guess, both torchiere lamps in my master bedroom fell over and the shades broke. They were both plastic and it was not a great loss but after much online searching as well as looking in home improvement stores I discovered you cannot buy replacement shades for these cheap ass lamps!!!
Though I didn’t plan on it, I bought 2 replacements. And if you’re wondering, I intentionally did not purchase matching lamps.

And for reasons I do not understand, there are no overhead lights in my master bedroom! There is one off center in the guest room which is smaller than my master. So unhelpful!!

That’s the latest home decor update! I am glad to be done with the project and happy with the results.

How are your projects coming?

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