Office Closet Clean Out-The Middle

Part 2-The Middle

We’ve arrived at the middle of this process and let me tell you this is part of the reason for my procrastination!! I HATE this part!! I like when it’s all done but this part gives me hives.

Starting to remove items

As you can see, I decided to start with the office supply half of the closet. I figured that since I’d already done some work with these items I may as well get it done.
And as you can see on the right side (maybe), I have the Warriors game on as I do the clean out! Usually pairing something you like with something you don’t, is supposed to make it easier to get through it. Usually, that’s true but the Warriors got blown out by a terrible team so I was just in pain the whole time!


Hives, Hives, Hives!!!!!!

The removal of the items isn’t really the issue. The next photos will give you an idea as to what produces the hives!

Piles of stuff

It’s where the stuff has to go until it’s time to put it back. It goes on the floor and any other surface.

Stuff everywhere!

I can’t sit on the couch (I usually don’t but that’s not the point) and I have to step over stuff every time I walk in the office to get to my computer! It’s like an obstacle course and not a fun one.

Closet-floor and couch

The Journey Continues…………

And remember, this is only one side of the closet. I’m not planning on returning items to the closet until the other side is also cleaned out. I want to make sure that I create a system that works and that may mean switching out the system.
I’m not going to be done before the month ends but that’s ok. I’m making progress which I’m happy about but I need to get this task done!!

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