How to Conduct a Panty Raid

Ok, that’s probably not a completely accurate title but this does involve underwear AND bras. Mine to be exact but really it’s about continuing my year long plan to clean out and declutter many areas in my home.
Up next, is the bra/underwear drawer. Usually, this space is not a huge issue and truth be told it was fairly well organized. However, the drawer was getting crowded, it hadn’t been cleaned out in probably 2-3 years and I was tempted to buy things when I had a drawer that was full and overflowing.

Bra pile

For whatever reason, I felt that taking photos of my underwear was too personal. Bras, not so much. There is no logic to this reasoning but that’s the way it is.


While cleaning out this drawer, I realized that I have more than enough bras even though I was only wearing 2-3 regularly. I know that many women only have 2-3 bras total but I like having bra choices based on my mood and clothing choices.

donation bras

As usual, I have something to donate! The benefit of having a lot and not using them, is that someone will receive a well maintained article of clothing at a much reduced cost. Though, I’m not thrilled with myself for having SO much, I do feel good about donating nice and well kept items.


After drawer
After with border

When all is said and done, I still have plenty and likely more than I need (especially underwear)! However, my mother will never be embarrassed about my underwear should I end up in an ambulance!!
On another note, I do not donate underwear. I had a discussion with a work colleague about this and she disagrees with me. She says as long as you wash them before it’s ok.

What say you? Ok to donate underwear or not?
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Drawer labeled

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