February Project Life

Happy Memory Keeping day! Ok, there’s no such day but it is time to share my February project life spread. It is the second month of the new year (when do we stop calling it the new year??) and I feel like I’m starting to get into a rhythm with my life and picture taking. As much as I love taking photos, I sometimes forget to take my daily photo. I don’t stress about it though. I simply use other photos that are representative of the week or month.


Me, homemade bagels and the SuperBowl. This is how February starts! If you’ve followed me for awhile, you’ll note that I often include photos of myself. This is because I think that (1) it’s really important for the person doing the documenting to be also be documented and (2) I want there to be a record of me-what I looked like, how I changed and evolved. I think it’s terribly sad when family members are looking for photos of loved ones and none exist because they wouldn’t allow their photo to be taken.


A pretty basic week-enjoying staying in bed on my Monday 9/80, getting to eat at a new local Shake Shack, watching the Warriors whip the Spurs, enjoying dinner out with a friend and cleaning out my master closet.


This week, I’m enjoying tea in this oversized Rae Dunn mug, writing down my overall annual goals to put in my planner, trying out some gold, gel eye patches, not celebrating Valentine’s Day, registering for PlannerCon workshops, sharing some affirmations and documenting an upcoming project! Real life!!


Let’s see what this exciting week has in store
-making egg salad
-celebrating that my hall tree is not cluttered with mail
-showing off the stack of purses I plan to sell
-the book I recently read with the Mid Peninsula Book Club
-candy for the Oscar party
-Showing off my clean living room as I prep for my Oscar soiree
Oscar party time
It’s the everyday, common things that make a life.


In these final few days of February, I’m sharing my favorite page marker for my planner, an inexpensive Target find, my recipe binder (that is currently empty), and my work laptop because I’m on call this night.

So there you have it! Memories for February are recorded. My spreads are not as fancy photographically (is that a word) beautiful but when I go back and look at past project life albums, they always make me smile!
I hope that when I am dead and gone, my loved ones will look at these albums and see my spirit and my essence in them.

How are your memory keeping efforts coming along? Michyle, have you done any work on your books??!!

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