Future House Refresh Plans

As you’re likely aware at this point, I plan to refresh my master bathroom at some point this year. Of course, that is not the only plan I have regarding my home. I never seem to be able to stick to just one area at a time. I’m in the planning stage with the master bath but in order to not get overwhelmed and have a little fun, I plan to add in some decorative changes to another area of my home as well.
I plan to do a little refresh on my living room of which I’m currently in the brainstorming phase.
A couple of the ideas being considered include painting the whole room or maybe just one wall, removing the candle holder over the fireplace and replacing it with a mirror or window frame and getting a new tv stand. One decision that is non-negotiable is that a lot of “stuff” will be thinned out.
I have thinking about getting a farmhouse style tv stand. Below I have a few examples linked:



This is the area that I am refreshing. Note the wall color which I have LOVED since I’ve lived here. One thing I am learning though is that it’s ok if your tastes change or you want to just try something new. If I decide to update the paint color, I would definitely go lighter but I have no idea what I’d even be interested in at this point. Paint is an inexpensive way to update a room and it’s generally fairly easy.


Living Room update-tv

Fireplace Candle Holder

I have had this piece since I moved into my home and again I have loved it for that long (14 years)! But, truth be told, I have been ready for awhile to change out this area.

She has served me well!

Master Bath Refresh

You didn’t think that I’d forgotten about this project now did you!! I am in the process of choosing the paint color for the wall. For the longest time, I was certain that I wanted gray walls but I never pulled the trigger on painting. Ultimately, I decided that I wanted white walls (original, I know!!). However, I’m looking for a crisp, bright, spa like white or maybe something a little warmer (how’s that for making a decision!!). I’m going to narrow the samples down to three and then get actual paint samples to throw up on the wall.
Next, I’ll decide on the paint color for the cabinets as well as the new faucets!
Feast your eyes on these possibilities:

So that’s where things stand with the house projects. Planning is good and necessary but it’s getting to be time to make some actual movement towards getting things done!

Any thoughts on the color choices for the master bath?
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