February Small Goals & January Results

Hello February! Yes, it is indeed the 2nd month of the year. January is often a time a renewal and goal setting and generally feeling charged about starting over. Not a bad thing but just remember, every day is a new day and you can start at anytime even on a Wednesday!
Let’s review my goals for January and then what’s on tap for February.


-Clean out the pantry (SUCCESS)

-Change the knob on the pantry door (SUCCESS)

I had a really cute rooster knob that I wanted to use but it didn’t fit. This flower one is a place holder as I continue to look for something more fun!

-Drink 36 ounces of water daily (any tips on getting water in would be much appreciated)
(PARTIAL SUCCESS) I managed to meet this goal 22 of 31 days of the month, however, when I was ill for a little over a week I did not track all of the water (and tea) that I was drinking.  I do believe I met this goal but didn’t record it. 
-Meet my activity goal 80% or 25 of 31 days. One of the things that interferes with my meeting my activity goal is when I am doing either a lot of desk/computer work or when I’m on call. I sit when I take calls because I have to write notes and the whole process is very sedentary. I need to find ways to incorporate more movement on these days.
(PARTIAL SUCCESS)I managed 18 of the 25 days BUT because  I was ill for a little over a week and I decided to take that time to rest. 

-One hour of crafting per week including making 3 unique birthday cards for family and friends having birthdays in January.
(SUCCESS) I managed work on my creative pursuits 5 hours this month and made and sent out the three birthday cards as planned.  I was very happy to engage in creative activity this month and will continue.

2 of the 3 cards I made!

-Write down all debts
-Start budget
(SUCCESS) Painful success but I did it!  Budgeting is definitely a process and involves some trial and error.  I will continue tweaking and figuring things out over the next months until I am at a place where I feel that my budget is accurate and reasonable.

-Daily gratitude journaling (am or pm)
(SUCCESS) I managed to this mostly at night and a couple of mornings.  As I stated in an earlier post, I sometimes feel like my gratitudes are shallow.  However, judgement is not part of this exercise so I will simply continue to write my gratitudes down daily. 


January is in the books and now it’s time to move forward. One thing I realized last month is that I prefer to have more on my to do list rather than less. I need project and ideas to keep the momentum following or I will get lost in busyness that leads to nothing getting done.
With that in mind, here are my February small goals:

-Take and record blood sugars three times per week
-Strength training at least twice per week
I’m going to continue to track my water intake and activity goals as well.

-Organize digital photos into files for a minimum of 30 minutes per week.
As you can likely imagine, I have thousands (several years worth) of photos on my laptop. While I do have them organized by year, it is my goal to more specifically identify my photos as well as to get rid of bad photos and duplicates.

-Clean out my master closet!
This is a HUGE task that will definitely take a while. However, I am on call one weekend this month and I will designate that time to work on this task.
-Clean out white t-shirt bin!
Yes, I have a bin that holds just my white t-shirts. We’ll see if I need it once it’s cleaned out.

-Read/listen to one of the many books I have been collecting but have not delved into yet. Selections include, The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein, What We Talk About When We Talk About God by Rob Bell, #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso, Rising Strong by Brene Brown. Get Over It by Lyanla Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up by lyanla Vanzant, Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein, and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
I will also continue with daily gratitude journaling. I think it will interesting a year from now to see where my mind was.

-Write my monthly budget
-Call one utility or credit card company and see if I can get an interest rate reduction (reduction) or price reduction (cable).

This feels like a pretty ambitious list for the shortest month of the year!! How did your first month go?
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