One of my goals this year is to focus more on my spiritual health. I also vowed to write more about my experiences and thoughts here. One of my intentions is to focus more on positive thinking. In general, I am a positive person and I can definitely see the bright side or silver lining to any situation. However, I sometimes struggle with positivity in my quiet thoughts. When thinking about a situation or a decision that needs to be made, I think about all of the worst things that can happen or just imagine that things won’t work out for me.
I do not recall where all of the quotes I am sharing today come from. Sometimes, they came from a book, podcast, magazine article, etc….
When I am able to attribute the quote to an author, I have done so.
What you choose to focus on becomes your reality
What you appreciates, APPRECIATES
Whatever you focus on expands
These three quotes say the same thing but I find them helpful when I need to shift my mindset to focus on the positive. If you focus on what is wrong instead of what is right, all you will see and feel is what is wrong.
Most answers reveal themselves through doing not thinking
The moment you have the audacity to start believing in the not yet seen, your reality will begin to shift
These quotes address the ideas of faith and truth. We are so conditioned to take charge and make decisions that somewhere along the way we forget to just believe that the best can and will happen. This is not about being pollyanna or unaware, it’s about allowing the universe to care for you and truly believing that the answers don’t have to come from you.
Everything you tell yourself is not the truth.
We tell ourselves and others tell us so many stories about who we are that we not only believe them but we do things that confirm the story. For example, girls get told that we are not good at math. Maybe some of us aren’t but if you’re a girl who is good at math but the only message you receive is that you’re aren’t at some point you start to believe it. Imagine what you would do, what you would try if you don’t feel constrained by your own story. For most of my life, I have been told how “strong” I am. I know that people who say this are being complimentary and mean it in a positive way. However, one of the results of being told this is that I didn’t feel like I could be or show vulnerability. It doesn’t make space for me to ask for help. I am strong but I am also sensitive and vulnerable and can’t carry the emotional load all of the time.
Everything is rigged in our favor -Rumi
This one can be difficult to internalize when it feels like everything around you is falling to pieces (and I have been there)!! For me, when I feel like Murphy’s Law is ruling my life I try to remember that God, the universe, whoever, really wants me to succeed and be happy and all will be okay. When I ultimately remember this, things magically get better!
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. -Theodore Roosevelt
You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-C.S. Lewis
I love both of these quotes because they remind me that moving forward is the most important thing.This is just a small sampling of quotes that I read regularly I keep quotes in the notes app on my phone and in a journal next to my bed. I add to either when I feel called to do so. Sometimes I just read them when I need a jolt of inspiration or comfort. For me, quotes like these are like a big hug.
When I remember, as I rise in the morning I like to say the following:
May I be happy;
May I be healthy;
May I be creative;
May I be safe;
May I be at ease.
This mantra sets me up for a good day!
Do you have a favorite quote?
Share in the comments.