Organizing the Craft Carts

The Carts

I decided to clear out a couple of carts that I use for crafting and project life documenting. You may be asking yourself, “why does she have two different carts? Aren’t both of those activities “crafting”?” The answer to your question is YES both are crafting but I sometimes (often) acquire products that I intend to specifically use with project life. There was a time when I bought specific project life products (the kits) which I wanted to keep separate from my other crafting products. At this point, it’s a habit and I just like doing it this way.

Project Life Cart

The main issue with this cart is that I just have too much stuff and it’s really hard to see it. Any crafter knows that you only use what you can see so a lot of really fun product was “lost.”

Items were just laying on top of one another and when I couldn’t figure out where something went, it just got thrown in.

One of the beauties of clearing out and reorganizing is that everything I use for project life is now in one place. Previously some of these items, most specifically the tools, printer, and a few decorations were laying out and not with their project life friends.
The other wonderful outcome of this project is that I found some perfectly good items that can go to a new home where they will be used!

Craft Cart

This cart sits next to my large craft desk and holds many of the items that I reach for on a regular basis. One of the difficulties with this cart is that just like the other cart, items get thrown in or placed there “temporarily”. The cups that are perched on the side mostly hold washi tape. The problem is that only those on the top are truly accessible without the entire cup being tipped out. As I was cleaning this out, I of course found some really cute washi that I would have loved to use!

I can see see all of the items that I regularly use and that bottom shelf is much more useful storing some crafting tools.

I can see all of my washi!!

I don’t think I said this before but one of the reasons that I like to use carts for my most reached for items is that it helps to keep my work space cleared off. I am a messy crafter and I like to spread out when I work. Keeping my work area as clear as possible helps my creativity.

Do you have hobbies? Have they taken over? How do you keep up with your supplies?
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