December Project Life

It is that time of the month again!! Here is my December Project Life spread which concludes my 2018 album!!! This is the first time since I started doing Project Life in 2010 that I am finishing up my album on time!

I am continuing with Project Life for 2019 because I really enjoy doing the album and it’s so much fun to look back and see what has changed and what has stayed to same over the years.


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Not so much the first week, but the first couple days of the month. No real highlights here except that it’s the FINAL month of the year!


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This week and this month really focuses on the holidays and spending time with friends.


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December is always a busy month but busy in good ways! Though I was dealing with an unexpected leak/over flowing water in my guest bathroom, the focus was really on enjoying myself through baking and spending time with friends.


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This was my final work week of the year and I was busy. I finished and mailed out my holiday cards, was on 24 hour on call one night, went to happy hour with friends, packed and got ready to go out of town. It felt like a whirlwind!


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This week was all about family and friends. I was in Southern California, got to see a couple of films with my mother and sister, visited with friends and just enjoyed the festivities of the season.


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The final day of the year gets its own page!! I returned home and spent the final day of the year with friends at a lovely dinner and then ringing the new year at a dive bar listening to house music.

Now that this year is done, it’s time to re-focus and prepare for 2019. Once again, I’ll bring you my life in pictures!!

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