2019 Goals-Small Goals Results-Word of the Year

Before I get into my goals for this year, I want share the results of my December small goals.

Holiday Cards-the goal was to send out about 50 cards to family and friends by December 17. Partial success leading to ultimate success. I didn’t get them sent out by the 17th but I did get them all sent out before Christmas!

Laundry room door-the goal was to fix it with the help of my friend, Debbie who was spending a couple of nights at my home. The good news is that Debbie was more than willing to assist me but the bad news is that I just didn’t feel like dealing with it. I had several other things going on (including trying to get my cards done and mailed) and I simply opted to leave it until 2019.

Personal challenges:
Drink 36 ounces of water daily-I managed to complete this challenge 22 of 31 days. While I still missed days, I feel good about accomplishing this goal this much. I’m not a great water drinker. It’s not like I’m drinking things other than water. I seem to have camel-type qualities where I don’t really even feel thirsty. I have to remind myself to drink even though I don’t feel like it.

Activity-meet my goal 75% or 23 of 31 days. Partial success I managed 21 days which again I consider a success. With the holidays and all including driving 6 hours to and from Southern California and just sitting on my mom’s couch and eating, it’s amazing that I made it 21 days. I also got in two walking workouts while I was at my Mom’s house. While this isn’t a lot, it was definitely outside of my usual behavior pattern. 

Taking into account what I learned from my 2018 goals, I am incorporating some smaller, easier, less intense tasks into my master list. My hope is that by accomplishing some smaller tasks I will be more motivated and less overwhelmed with the larger tasks.


Repair laundry room door
Change knobs on the laundry door
Clean out the pantry
Change knob on the pantry door
Fix the kitchen drawer
Repair the kitchen light
Repair the vinyl planks in the guest bath
Replace the shelf in the guest bath cabinet
Repair knob in the tub in the guest bath
Hang shelves in the living room
Clean out/declutter the master closet
Clean out/declutter the hall closet
Clean out/declutter the guest bedroom closet
Refresh the master bathroom
-paint walls
-paint cabinet
-replace the flooring
-replace 2 faucets
-replace the pipes for both sinks
-change out lighting
-frame the mirror

Set a weekly/monthly workout goal
Continue with monthly challenges that including increasing water intake and activity tracking
Continue meal planning
Incorporate strength training into weekly workouts

Continue with Project Life along with documenting in monthly blog posts
Carve out time weekly for crafting including card making and scrapbooking

Create a monthly budget-refine as needed
Develop and work on a debt reducing strategy that may include bringing in more income, selling items, cutting back, etc…..The idea is to be very conscious about where my money is going and how I want to use it

This one is a bit hard to define and track. I will continue to listen to podcasts that focus on the spirit and emotional well-being. In order to do something that I can track, I will keep a daily gratitude journal. Nothing fancy or complicated but my goal will be to write down at least one (1) thing that I am grateful for everyday. I’ve not ever done anything like this so it’s  definitely a stretch and outside of my comfort zone.


As I was reviewing my goals from 2018, I realized that I shared my word of the year and then promptly forgot it!! I actually had another word in mind all year but it turns out that it was my word for 2017 (create). My word for 2018 was “commit” which I find hysterical since I forgot about it! Guess I didn’t really commit to it! Enough with the bad puns.
I thought long and hard about my word for this year waiting for something to come to me. When it did, it just felt right. This year’s word is TRANSFORM.
Transform my thinking, life, finances…..the whole kit and caboodle. This word gives me permission to be different, think different, try new things, ideas and attitudes. It’s not that I think I need to be a different person. It’s more to be consciously aware of my thought processes, mental blocks and biases and allow myself to be open to different experiences and ideas.


-Clean out the pantry
-Change the knob on the pantry door

-Drink 36 ounces of water daily (any tips on getting water in would be much appreciated)
-Meet my activity goal 80% or 25 of 31 days. One of the things that interferes with my meeting my activity goal is when I am doing either a lot of desk/computer work or when I’m on call. I sit when I take calls because I have to write notes and the whole process is very sedentary. I need to find ways to incorporate more movement on these days.

-One hour of crafting per week including making 3 unique birthday cards for family and friends having birthdays in January

-Write down all debts
-Start budget

-Daily gratitude journaling (am or pm)

Thank you for hanging in with me on these last couple of very wordy posts!!
Please share your master and/or monthly goals in the comments!

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
January 10, 2019 8:53 am

Thank you for this great reminder to set my own goals – I’m going to do that today 🙂
For ways to get in more water, here are a few ideas I pulled from the web:
1. I assume you already carry a water bottle everywhere with you – make sure it’s one that you really like, is easy to clean and that you find attractive and fun. Get one that meets those standards if you don’t have one. The more you like your water bottle, the more likely you’ll want to use it.
2. Mark the bottle with time-oriented goals. Get some tape or a label maker and start marking how much water you’d like to drink by certain times every day. This way you can actually see your water drinking goal and you’ll know whether you need to play catch up or if you’re ahead of the game.
3. Add drinking water to another habit that’s routine – take a drink after the shower every morning, every time you use the restroom or drink half a bottle with every meal.
4. If you don’t like the taste, add lemon or orange slices, or mint to the water. (I can provide you with free lemon, oranges and mint!). You can even freeze these items into ice cubes for the bottle.
4. Low tech: Set alarms on your phone to go off every 2 hours to drink.
5. High tech: Use a water tracking app to track and remind you to drink – Waterlogged for iPhone

Here are the sites I found some of these ideas:

January 12, 2019 12:17 pm

I love your word for the year! If you don’t mind I think I’ll borrow it! I’m definitely planning to make some transformations in all areas of my life. Good luck with your 2019 goals!

January 12, 2019 8:46 pm

I really like the way you break down monthly goals and then update how you did. That’s a great plan. I may start doing something similar. I totally understand your water dilemma. I used to ONLY drink water and was really good about it. Then I had kids and my taste preferences have changed and I. cannot. stop. drinking. soda. It is like my lifeline and I hate it because it is soooo unhealthy! Maybe tracking like you did will help!

January 12, 2019 9:45 pm

Awesome word for 2019! I’m struggling a bit with water intake, activity and keeping up with my gratitude journaling. I love how you have a monthly goal breakdown- going to try that to see if it will help me stay on track!

January 12, 2019 11:31 pm

Wow, that’s very well-thought & planned! I need to check on my set goals… Have a great year 2019!

January 14, 2019 12:34 am

I love these, well done on all your achievements and good luck with this years goals and to do list. I love your word for the year, mine is Abundance 💗

Lisa Roe
January 14, 2019 8:29 am

Transform, love that word for 2019! You set some awesome goals,do you have a system in place to help you achieve them all? I believe that if you focus on your spiritual growth and inner awakening first; the other goals will fall into place. Wishing you all the best in 2019!

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