HAPPY HOLIDAYS-see you in 2019

This will be my last post of 2018. I will take the next couple of weeks off from blogging to share time with family and friends, relax and prepare for 2019.

My plan is to return on Tuesday, January 8. TUESDAY??!!?? Yes, I have decided to change my posting schedule from Monday and Thursday to Tuesday and Thursday. I’m trying to get more organized and consistent with my posting and posting on Tuesday instead of Monday might do the trick. I think I’ll have more time to tackle the myriad of tasks involved in getting a blog post up.

I’m also planning a new weekly feature that will debut on Wednesday, January 9. Stay tuned for that.

Until then, I would like to share my 2018 holiday card with you. As I’ve said in a previous post, I have made my holiday card for the past several years and I enjoy it immensely. I usually start the design process sometime in September and by Thanksgiving have most of the elements cut out and ready to put together. No matter how early I start, I seem to be rushing in December to get done and my cards out on time.

This year was exceptionally different in that I did not even have my design done by Thanksgiving! I have been playing catch up ever since. At this typing, most of my card recipients have not yet received their cards as I didn’t get them sent out on the 17th as I wanted. However, most don’t read my blog either so they won’t be getting a preview. For those that do, hope you like it!!

When I return in January, expect to see posts detailing my goals for 2019 and how my 2018 goals turned out. I will continue my monthly features including Project Life and the monthly goals posts. There will also be more home projects as my list continues to grow.
I learned a lot this year and can’t wait to share it all with you.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a wonderful 2019!
See you January 8, 2019.

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