BOOK CLUB BABES-year in review

This past Saturday, December 15, the book club babes held our annual holiday party.  The babes have been going strong for 13 years meeting every 6-7 weeks at each of our homes or at a restaurant.
I don’t remember when we started the annual holiday party celebration but it’s been several years now.  We don’t do talk about book we just party, eat, drink and enjoy.
In the past, we’ve done a Secret Santa gift exchange, but this year we did a book exchange which turned out to be a lot of fun!


Rich People Problems-Kevin Kwan
Before We Were Yours-Lisa Wingate
Americanah-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Book Club-An Evening at Franc’s-Jeanette Dashiell ( I did not link this “book” on purpose.  It was god awful and I cannot in good conscience lead anyone to it.  In the 13 years we have been reading books, this was the worst)! Sorry, Michyle!!
War and Turpentine-Stefans Hertmans
Alice Network-Kate Quinn
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine-Gail Honeyman


As usual, the party was big fun with great food and company.  We met at Sheryl’s house who does not disappoint in the decor department!
The party itself is fairly casual.  We sit and visit with one another, share stories about our lives and just genuinely enjoy each other’s company.
Some of us choose to bring gifts to share with the group but it is not a requirement. 

Babes at the table ready to FEAST!!


We had ham, macaroni and cheese, carrot souffle, salad, 2 types of bread, lemon cake, tiramisu, bread pudding and cream filled pastries. Again, no disappointments in the bunch!


Gifts included lots of handmade goodies which is our tradition.  There are many crafty women in the group who are incredibly sweet to share their talents with us. The gifts included homemade earrings, a homemade lotion bar, bath bombs, a loofah with built in lavender wash, and a plate with our name on it (my contribution).  

While this group is about reading books, it is also about supporting and appreciating one another. We truly enjoy each other’s company and also enjoy sharing our love of books and reading. As we close out this year and prepare for the next, I feel very blessed to be part of a group this special. I am fully aware (especially at this time of year, that not everyone has a “tribe” that they can really rely on.  I don’t know what my life would look like if that were true for me and I don’t want to know!
If you don’t have this situation in your life, go out and find it, create it, make it happen. Remember, real friends ADD to your life and  make you feel GOOD about yourself just as you are!


The Babes-missing Lisa and Kelly!

Share your reading list in the comments.  It can be what you’ve read and enjoyed or what you want to read. Our next selection for January is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. 


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