November Favorites-things that make me happy

I have found that being consciously grateful makes my life better. It is not just about the big events (though they count as well), it is about appreciating ALL of life including the ordinary. Today, I am sharing with you a bit of what made me happy during the month of November.


On Monday, November 5, I went with 3 friends to see Tab Benoit, a Louisiana blues musician.  I have been a fan for many years and am always excited when he comes to town.  In addition to being a wonderful musician, he is also a bit of a comedian. When the show first started, I was nervous because he was playing the drums and other musicians  who Tab has worked with for decades were singing lead.  While they were really good, I was all about Tab.  I became nervous that Tab was going to take a back seat and allow these others to showcase.
Ultimately though, I had nothing to worry about! After a spell, Tab took over and sang the songs that I have come to love! 
Live music is magic, makes me happy and I love having it as part of my life. 


I am a born and raised California girl and Northern California at that! We are not known for having “seasons.”  We have a warm time of year and a cold time of year.  One day, I was driving and I saw several rows of trees that screamed Autumn that I had to stop and take pictures. Our tree leaves don’t usually change colors; the leaves just fall off of the trees. The sight of fall right in front of my eyes just made me so happy.  The beautiful fall colors were simply breathtaking. 


Anyone who knows me, knows what a HUGE football fan I am.  I root for my home teams no matter what.  For me, that is the San Francisco 49ers. Since last season, a group of us has been getting together every Sunday (or Monday) to watch the 49ers play. The group originally started from a meet up group for 49er fans or just football fans in general.  It was not intended to be only for women but we are the ones who showed up week after week. This season, we ended the meet up portion and just have a text group to communicate. We go to a local bar and grill that has lots of tv’s and enjoy watching our team play.  After the season ended last year, we still got together for Warriors games, SF Giants games and even my Oscar party!  We plan to do the same after this season ends as well! The 49ers will not be going to the playoffs so we’ll support Mary’s (standing next to me) Chicago Bears through the playoffs. The group is a lot of fun and I always look forward to spending time with these ladies. Happiness abounds!


Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was able to travel to Southern California to spend time with family and friends. Doing this also makes me really happy! Pictured with me are my nephew, Marcel and my niece, Choice. My sister (their mother) made breakfast for us on Thanksgiving morning.  It was something new for us which meant that we ate ALL DAY!!  It’s probably a no-brainer, but being able to spend time with loved ones is joy.  And while I say it’s a no-brainer, before going away I was talking to someone about their Thanksgiving plans and she told me that she doesn’t have any family and didn’t know what she was going to do. Hearing that, reminded me that not everyone has family that they can spend holidays with and that it’s not always a joyous time for all. I’m grateful for my family and am reminded to not take these relationships for granted. 


Above are photos from the fundraising event, Christmas at Kohl Mansion. It is a holiday craft fair and was a great way to usher in the holiday season after Thanksgiving.  While there were tons of crafts and vendors, I was very taken with the holiday decor, which was gorgeous. I can see making this an annual event/experience.

Those are a few of the things that made me happy during the month of November. 
What about you?  Do you take the time to count of your blessings or are you so busy that you just feel tired?  

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