CD Project Update-Making Progress

Yay! I am very happy to report that I have made significant progress on my ongoing CD project.  I have removed all of the CD’s from the rack and have removed the rack as well.  I have also written down the names of all of the CD’s and boxed them.  The artist and CD name is now ready to be cataloged.  And the final step will be to import the CD’s and create a music library.  This will definitely be a task for 2019.  I think I’m going to get an external hard drive just for this music library.  That way, I won’t take up space on my laptop.  For reference, I have 250 CD’s.
I’m undecided on what I will do with the CD’s once they are all digitized but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

For now, we will (at least I will) celebrate this most recent progress.

First, all of the CD’s were (finally) removed from the rack!

Secondly, I noted the condition of the wall.  At first, I considered spackling and painting over where the screw was but then I remembered how lazy I am!  Since I have three shelves, I will either use the hole already to install the first shelf or I will use photos or decor to cover it. No one who visits me should be reaching up to try and see the hole anyway.
The other marks on the wall are simply where the rack laid against the wall for the last 14 years! I’ll try and clean it off or again simply cover it!

And finally, the three white shelves are patiently waiting to go up on the wall.  I have not yet decided if this is a December goal or a 2019 goal. I would love to get the shelves up in December so that I can use the space to decorate for the holidays.  In general, the shelves will hold photos and other decor items.

So, there you have it-PROGRESS!!

As I’ve said before, this time of year can be really hard to get other things done that are not holiday related.  However, no matter how big or small, if you continue chipping away at that goal/project list, you can feel accomplished and with a shorter list come the new year!

How are your goals coming along? Any victories, big or small? Share in the comments.

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