October Project Life


Here we are again!!  I have completed my project life spreads for October and I could not be happier!! I know I say this every month but it bares repeating (if only for me to remember when I feel discouraged).  Participating in this daily and monthly project shines a light on just how good my life is.  I may not share some of the difficulties but part of that is because as I look at my project life spreads each month I feel really grateful to have this life that I have.

Here are the highlights:

Yay! I documented eating french fries after giving them up for the month of September.  McDonald’s fries are my favorite and it felt good to indulge.
My youngest sister, Alissa, turned 18 years old on the 5th! Alissa is the baby of the family and now we are all in adulthood!

Two big highlights include the Inaugural Belmont 5K race and Le Diner 2018.  Both actually took place on the same day but I wanted to document both so I did!  Le Diner (white party) was held on the USS Hornet this year in Alameda.  It usually takes place in San Francisco so this was a change.  Having it on a boat (ship?) was interesting.  While it was still fun, I think one of the aspects that suffered was the table decor.  Because of the space, guests were limited on what they could bring and usually there are very elaborate table displays.

This week is highlighted by the return of NBA Basketball!!  Anyone who knows me knows that I am a rabid Golden State Warriors fan!  Yes, we’ve been the champs the last 3 of 4 years with this year being back to back champions!
Also, I hosted book club at my home and it was amazingly fun as usual! We read the book, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely fine by Gail Honeyman. The discussion was interesting with some of us really connecting with the main character (who can be a bit hard to like) and others not so much.  We had a really good discussion about whether or not the character was on the autism spectrum and whether or not this contributed to her behavior.  I highly recommend the book which is also being made into a film.
My book club is an entity that I remind myself is a true blessing in my life. It is so easy to take relationships for granted and I don’t know how anyone gets through life without a group of supportive friends.  And I mean real friends-not FaceBook friends. It’s hard to describe the connection other than to say that it is magical. It was not planned-it simply developed over time. My advice is this-if you have a group of friends that add value to your life, cherish them, appreciate them and let them know what they mean to you.  If you don’t have friends you feel this way about (1) go out and get you some and (2) be the kind of friend that you want to have! (SOAPBOX CLOSED)!!

My sweet mother turned 83 years old on the 23rd!!  She would HATE that I’m sharing this so I’m glad she doesn’t read my blog!! Since she lives long distance from me, I don’t get to take her out or anything but my family who lives close to her does.

This week is of course highlighted by Halloween.  While I’m a big fan of fall, I’m not so much a Halloween girl.  I do enjoy the bite sized treats though!

That’s it for October.  As we move into November, I continue to be amazed at how fast time flies.  My Mom used to tease us when we were younger that , “the older you get, the faster time moves.”  We thought she was crazy because time felt that like dragged through molasses when we were kids.  But as usual, Mom was right!
I guess the message is to appreciate and enjoy our time.  It’s all we really have!

Questions about anything in my project life spread? Ask in the comments.

Products Used:
Big Happy Planner
Cover-Big Happy Planner
HP Sprocket

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