November Small Goals and Results

It’s officially the “holiday” season and setting goals during this time of year is rather challenging. However, it’s important to continue to work on your goals and not abandon them completely. By continuing to work on goals, you’re already ahead of your new year’s goals and resolutions. Plus, you end the old year and start the new year feeling accomplished (that is if you’ve actually accomplished anything)!

Additionally, as this is the holiday season it’s also important to enjoy it. Make sure you spend time with friends and family. That drawer or closet can be organized later.

As usual, I will go over my goals and results for October and then let you know what my goals are for this current month.

CRAFT AREA: Yep, we’re going to try this again!  I will clean out the seven bins of my scrap papers. (SUCCESS) I actually managed to get this one done!  Of course, I forgot to take the before photos and the after photos would be rather meaningless!!  A couple of the drawers were stuffed so full that they could hardly close.  Now, I have some scrap paper in several different colors that I can use but the drawers are not filled!!

CD PROJECT: Remove the CD’s from the living room rack and catalog them/Remove the CD rack from the living room wall/Put up the new shelves. (PARTIAL SUCCESS/PARTIAL FAILURE)
I managed to get “some” of the CD’s pulled out and cataloged. The shelves are still not up but they stand at the ready!! As you can see though, I did manage some photos of the process!

These are the 3 long shelves from IKEA just waiting to be hung!!

In a recent blog post, I wrote about how I was engaging in some monthly personal health and wellness challenges.  The challenge for October was to drink 32 ounces of water daily.  I managed 22 out of 31 days.  Even though I didn’t meet my monthly goal, I still choose to count this as a minor success.  I am not a water drinker naturally so even this small change is good for my health.

1. CD PROJECT-this is an ongoing project and I had hoped to be further along at this point.  In any event, I continue to make progress and will continue this month.  My goal will be to remove all of the remaining CD’s and remove the CD rack.

2. DRAWER CLEAN OUT & ORGANIZE-I plan to clean out 3 drawers in my dresser that house my exercise gear. One drawer contains pants, one has shirts and one has more shirts, socks and bras. None of the drawers are in awful shape but I don’t wear many of the shirts or some of the pants.
This is a small to medium sized project which could likely be completed within 2 hours.  If I remember, I’ll set the timer as I’m working on the drawers to see exactly how long it takes me.  Sometimes knowing that a task won’t take as long as you imagine, is the motivation you need to get it done!

Because the drawers are so stuffed, I tend to grab the same items on the top over and over!

1. Drink 32 ounces of water daily- I did decently last month but because I’d like to get to the point where I’m drinking twice this much water daily I will continue with this same goal before I increase it. The goal is 30 of 30 days.

2. Meet my “MOVE” goal 75% of the month (22 of 30 days)-I track my move goal on my Apple watch.  It is currently set at 400.  The move goal is the amount of calories burned each day not just during exercise.  It takes into account everything from motion to heart rate data and is your total movement in a 24 hour period. Ideally, I should be meeting my move goal daily and ultimately I’d like to be moving at a 550-600 rate.  All in due time!!
In October, I met the move goal 19 times or about 61%.

That’s it for now!  I hope your goals and projects are coming along. Remember to celebrate even the small victories.  We’re talking progress not perfection!



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