Current Favorites-Monthly? Quarterly?

Today, I decided to share with you a few things that I have been enjoying in the past couple few months. I like to share these items because sometimes you are aware of something great and someone else is looking for something great.

This list falls under the category of appreciating the ordinary and everyday. There is nothing particularly earth shattering about this list other than the fact that they enhance my life! And that makes them pretty special to me.

In no particular order:

Laundry Sanitizer

I wash in cold water (energy-saving) and have been concerned about bacteria and such especially in my towels and sheets. This product is supposed to kill almost 100% of bacteria and it smells good, too.

Birthday Perfume










My sister, Alece, and her family gifted this beautiful scent to me for my birthday this year. It is Versace Crystal Noir which is described as a floral scent with notes of gardenia and amber and it is divine!  I don’t wear fragrance often but I wear this whenever I get a chance.

Fall Decor

Fall and winter are my favorite times of the year.  During these seasons, I tend to decorate very purposefully. For me, fall is about warmth, coziness, and community. I like to bake, watch movies and have people over.  It’s all about comfort.

Fall Candles










Along with fall decor, I also love sweetening the scent of my home with candles and fall scents are among my favorites.  This year I choose three from Bath and Body Works Sweater Weather is made with sage and eucalyptus essential oils with notes of juniper berry and fresh wood. Crisp Morning Air is scented with fall breeze, white oak, and golden amber wood.  I can’t say what fall breeze smells like but I like it! Fresh Cotton is made with jasmine petals, lemon zest and rose scents.  Basically, it smells fresh and clean.

Facial Masks










I love doing masks and should really do them more often.  I generally like masks that are either hydrating or brightening. I prefer mud masks to peel off masks.  I use a peel off mask on occasion but they don’t really peel well.  I also really like sheet masks.  Ideally, facial masks should be done 2-3 per week depending on your skin type.  Pro-tip: Get yourself an expensive foundation brush from the Dollar Store to use to apply the product.  You’ll use less product and get a more even coverage.

Warriors Basketball










The NBA season opened on October 16 with my NBA champions Golden State Warriors receiving their championship rings and playing the Oklahoma City Thunder. I am an avid sports fan and a super fan of my local sports teams!  I have followed the Warriors for several years now (before the good times) and love to watch them play.  Winning the game was great, too!

And last but not least:








As I have said many times in this post, this season speaks to me in terms of coziness and community. And my community involves my friends.  My family counts as well but this is about how special my friends are to me. I host book club at my house, have friends over for movies or just because.  My niece lived with me for the summer and some of my long distance friends stay over after events and activities.  And, guess what!  I love it.  I hope that my friends (and family) find my home comfortable and welcoming.

Do you have favorites? Share in the comments.


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