One Year Blog-A-Versary

I can hardly believe it. I have officially been blogging for one year now! My first post went live on October 16, 2017. It was named Hello and Welcome. I was so nervous when I posted it. I felt so exposed and vulnerable. At my age, not much makes me feel that way so it was very interesting to sit with those feelings. While I know the internet can be a really cruel place, I was well aware that no one who I didn’t tell would see the post but it was nerve-racking none the less.

Now that I’ve been at this for a year, I’m really glad that I pushed “publish.” Feeling so exposed and vulnerable, was one of the best things that I’ve experienced in a long time. It sounds counter intuitive but I have found that my life is more interesting because I stretched my creative and blind faith muscles.

Blogging is brand new territory for me. I have read blogs for years and for the most part never thought about writing one. A few years ago, I started thinking that I might like to try it. I enjoy reading about people’s lives and finding the wonderful in the ordinary. I will admit that sometimes I am shocked by what people share but I kind of get it because writing is so therapeutic. It’s great to get stuff out of your head and on “paper” even the electronic kind.
Reading blogs, I found that it in some areas I was looking for someone who is like me. Don’t get me wrong-I follow all types of folks and love it. Women, Black women, mid-50’s women, single women, creative women, this is who I am and who I also want to read about. It’s fairly simple to find blogs dedicated to each of these interest areas individually but all together it’s almost non-existent.
In a future post, I will introduce you to some of my favorite blogs.

This past year I have written 80! posts (today’s is 81) on a variety of topics. The main categories are Goals, De-cluttering, Organizing, Project Life, Hallway Refresh, Crafting and General Life. As I reviewed my past posts, I was trying to decide if I have a favorite category or post and have determined that I do not. Everything I post about, I care about and is meaningful to me. I get that nothing I post about will change the world and that’s fine with me. Again, I love the magic in the ordinary. What I did find interesting is that my very ordinary regular life, is pretty fun. I have a lot to be grateful and thankful for and even when times are harder than usual I have a very abundant life in many ways.

What does the future hold? Honestly, more of the same and more of some other. I haven’t written much about my working on my spiritual life even though I have been actively working on and examining my inner world. Working on my relationship with the universe is what helped me to hit publish that first time and to continue to do so. I no longer hold my breath when I hit publish nor do I stress about what anyone will think about what I write. I still don’t have a ton of people reading my blog but I certainly have way more than I thought I would. I have done nothing to market or advertise my blog past my friends.
All of this to say, I will write more about my inner life, thoughts and struggles. If you’re not interested in such, please feel free to not read that day. Just know that my blog will continue to be a mix of life, DIY, de-cluttering, goals, etc…..
I am going to work on doing more projects that I can document the start to finish. I am not 100% done with my hallway yet (about 95% done) and I really don’t want to prolong that project any longer.

MASTER BATHROOM REFRESH-paint the wall and the cabinets, change out the flooring, replace the ugly fluorescent light, change out the faucets, frame the mirror, fix the hole in the ceiling.

KITCHEN REFRESH-paint the kitchen cabinets, change the lighting, fix the drawer.

LAUNDRY CLOSET-reorganize but I don’t have any plans yet. I just know that I want to do something in here.
I am fully aware that this is a very ambitious list especially in light of my hallway refresh fiasco. However, one difference is that I am not planning to start any of these in 2018. The one task on my list that involves one of these projects is that I will choose the paint color for my master bathroom before 2018 ends.

Additionally, I will continue with my Project Life posts, my monthly goals posts, my general life posts as well as the random organizing and de-cluttering posts.

Another personal goal that I will spend time working on as well is practicing my photography skills. Presently, I shoot most of my blog photos with my iPhone 8 Plus. It has served me well but I really want to up my photography game. I love taking photos and I want to take really good, beautiful photos.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to join me in my corner or the world, I have really enjoyed writing and sharing this past year and look forward to continuing.

Is there anything you’d like to see on the blog? Let me know.
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