Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

There was a history teacher at my high school who wrote two things on the chalkboard at the start of each new class semester. And yes, it was a chalkboard. When I was in high school, dry erase boards weren’t a thing yet!

The first thing he wrote was his name. And the second thing was, “Christopher Columbus did NOT discover America”.

Today, October 8 we celebrate the day that Columbus did not arrive but those who were already here!

This is not a national holiday and for most people it will just be another regular day. Some schools and government offices are closed. Most everything else is open as usual.

As a county worker, I have the day off. I don’t have any specific plans but I made a promise to myself that I will not celebrate “Columbus Day”. I will honor the ancestors who were here first.

Do you like history? What are your thoughts on the accuracy of what we’ve learned about history?

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