October Small Goals

As I re-focus on my goals for the rest of the year, it’s time to look at how I did on my September goals and  decide what my October goals will be. 

To recap from last month:
September Goals and Results:
CRAFT AREA: Clean out all seven scrap paper drawers and two boxes that hold die cut shapes and words. TOTAL AND COMPLETE FAILURE. I put this goal on my schedule several times but my eyes seemed to simply gaze over it.
CD PROJECT: Remove CD’s from their stands and catalog at least half. PARTIAL SUCCESS. I managed to empty the rack in my master bedroom and catalog all of them.  I did not get anything done on the CD rack in the living room.
HALLWAY: Spot clean and then full shampoo. PARTIAL SUCCESS.  I did spot clean a couple of sections of the carpet but did not get around to shampooing the whole thing.

So, I got some things accomplished which counts because I probably wouldn’t have done any of these things had I not had a goal.

This is why I feel that it’s important for me to really focus on what I’d like to get done to close out the year.  I really need to pay attention to my list and ignore the other areas that I’ve decided can wait.  It’s really easy to get distracted with other more “fun” tasks like decorating than some of the more mundane ones like carpet shampooing!


CRAFT AREA: Yep, we’re going to try this again!  I will clean out the seven bins of my scrap papers.
CD PROJECT: Remove the CD’s from the living room rack and catalog them/Remove the CD rack from the living room wall/Put up the new shelves.

If I manage to get the above accomplished before the month is done, I will pick another task from my re-focus list.

Any tips you have for helping me to focus and not get distracted will be much appreciated.

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