Re-focus and Get Things Done


Today is October 1.  This means we are in the final three months of 2018.  Rather than lament about how  fast time flies, I am taking this time to re-focus on some of my goals and try to get as much done as reasonably possible.

Below is a list of the things I am going to work to get done by the end of the year.  Most of my goals lean small to medium and are probably described as more detail oriented. A few of them are things I’d do anyway but wanted to add to the list because they take a good chunk of time.

In no particular order:

  1. Fix the laundry room door. It has split on the bottom and completely come off of the rails. Not sure yet if this is a DIY (with help) or a hire out.
  2. Put new knobs on the laundry room doors.
  3. Put new knob on the pantry door.
  4. Clean the craft area.
  5. Make and send out my holiday cards.
  6. Finish cleaning out and organizing the guest room closet.
  7. Clean out the master closet.
  8. Clean off the balcony.
  9.  Remove the CD rack in the living room.
  10. Put up shelves in the living room.
  11. Figure out what to do with electronics that I no longer use or work. Donate/Sell????
  12. Clean out the pantry.
  13. Make a blog plan for 2019.
  14. Complete a purchased online lesson for one of my die cutting machines.  I purchased this lesson years ago and haven’t taken the time to complete it.
  15. Continue to blog at least twice per week through the end of the year.
  16. Clean out my two drawers that house exercise clothes.  What does one do with a ton of race t-shirts??
  17. Decorate my house for winter and Christmas.
  18. Host at least one move night at my house.
  19. Continue with Project Life and complete on time every month.
  20. Practice using my camera at least weekly.
  21. Choose the paint color for the wall in my master bathroom.  The bathroom will go through a refresh in 2019.
  22. Visit family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  23. Make holiday presents for the Book Club Babes.
  24. Choose photos for the living room shelves.
  25. ENJOY LIFE!! Embrace the ordinary!

This list easily takes me through the end of the year and sets me up for a few goals in 2019.  My challenge will be to focus on what is on this list and not get distracted by other tasks.

Do you have any goals/plans that you’d like to get done by the end of the year? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
October 2, 2018 7:32 am

“What does one do with a ton of race t-shirts??” – here’s one idea that some people use: Tshirt Quilt!
I’ve used this company and had a great result with Gabriel’s school and activity tshirts:

You can get 35% off using the code “GrownandFlown”!

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