Month: October 2018

Health and Wellness

Since August, I have been engaging in small, personal health and wellness challenges.  Like many of us, I am constantly searching for less painful ways to make positive, healthy changes that can be sustained.  While these changes are likely not meaningful for most people, they are really enlightening and helpful to me.  I have found…

Top 10 Favorite Lifestyle Blogs

I have read blogs for many years now.  I started out reading mostly craft and scrapbooking blogs.  I was looking for creative inspiration and found it! Because I was a newbie crafter, I loved that these expert creatives listed sizes, supplies and resources to find these goodies.  Well, down the rabbit hole I went and…

One Year Blog-A-Versary

I can hardly believe it. I have officially been blogging for one year now! My first post went live on October 16, 2017. It was named Hello and Welcome. I was so nervous when I posted it. I felt so exposed and vulnerable. At my age, not much makes me feel that way so it…

Stay Tuned for More

I intended to have a blog post ready to go today but I got busy with regular life stuff. So stay tuned because in the  upcoming weeks, I plan to have some fun content to share with you including my first year anniversary of blogging, Le Diner a San Francisco, the Belmont Water Dog 5k…

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