August Project Life-Under the Wire

Hello again! So I took a week off from blogging just because. Well, really I was away from home for a few days and as I have said all year, time management is not my strong suit. In my fantasy world, I have blog posts written and ready to go at least a month in advance. In my reality, I write as I go! So without further ado………welcome to August! Well, at least my project life spread for August. I know we’re almost done with September and I’m a little behind on my schedule in posting but here we go.

I don’t really have a summer in the traditional sense. I don’t have school aged children who have summers off and I’m not a teacher so I don’t have summer vacation. As a result, my August spread doesn’t look really “summery”.

I do, however, like to try to spend time with friends and family and enjoy the nice weather we have here. Since project life is about appreciating the everyday you won’t see a lot of “special” events represented here. Doing project life every year has really helped me to appreciate and be grateful for my life. It’s hard to not see your blessings when you photograph them every day and attempt to at least be thoughtful in some way about life.


Hanging out with some new friends and enjoying some rooftop dining at El Techo in San Francisco. I also made some paleo “granola”. It is all nut based with no grains at all. It is really delicious but I made way too much. I need to remember that Pinterest recipes are not designed for one person!


Watching my niece, Choice perform for the 2nd time in a local musical production of “In the Heights”. I also did some cooking and baking this week making BBQ chicken wings which I liked a lot and some low carb blueberry muffin tops that I did not like very much at all.


My little brother’s 25th birthday! And a technological feat that for most is no biggie but for me was a significant accomplishment. I hooked up my laptop to my computer monitor so that I can have a larger screen to read and type on. I had no idea how to do it though I didn’t think it would be that difficult. What I wasn’t certain of is whether or not I had or could buy the right cable to do the hook up. I did a lot of research and determined the type of cable needed and then watched many videos and did lots of googling to figure it out.
I was right that it wasn’t hard and it didn’t take me very long to actually complete the task. Like most tasks, techie or not, I usually do it wrong before I get it right!
I also went with a friend to see the movie Black Klansman which was phenomenal!


Lots of exciting happenings this week. I went to see Ed Sheeran with friends, went to a colleagues’ retirement party, read a book written by a classmate from high school, participated in my first ever link party and hosted my mother for the weekend. She came into town for her cousin’s funeral (he was 97 years old). She was also able to come with me to my book club meeting and she had a great time!


A couple of birthdays (Zac and Debbie) and a wonderful guitar concert at the Mountain Winery. Rodrigo y Gabriela were amazing! Find them on YouTube and be amazed.

I’ll say it again. Engaging in this memory keeping process is gratitude inducing. Every day I take a photo of some area in my life (many things don’t make it in but are not forgotten) and every month I write about it. Each time I sit down to write about my month, not only does it transport me back but the memories always bring a smile to my face. Even when the memory is something difficult, it helps me to remember how much good I have in my life.

So, please do share. What memory keeping tasks do you engage in or think about engaging in? Share in the comments.

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