APRIL Project Life-better late than never

So yes, this project life post should have gone up a couple of weeks ago but I got behind.  Rather than berate myself for not meeting my goal of getting this done on time each month, I will give myself a little grace and do better this month (June).  My goal is to have the May project life photo spread up by mid-June.

For those who are unaware, project life is a 365 day photo project.  One of the goals of this project and my favorite part is the focus on documenting the day-to-day  ordinariness of life and not just the special occasions. We truly learn to appreciate our lives when we can focus on the regular stuff and not just the highlight reel that we post on Facebook and Instagram.

So, if you’re wondering why I have photos of watermelon and a bunch of crap in my car, that’s why!

Without further ado, here is my monthly spread for April:

I have been doing Project Life since 2010 and I thoroughly enjoy looking at my albums from the past.  So much stays the same (like laundry) and many things change.  One of the challenges is to find something to photograph everyday.  It’s a good challenge though but it forces me to think about my life and appreciate it in different ways.  Laundry, grocery shopping, home repair, etc.. is not interesting on the surface but I feel grateful that I am able to do these and other mundane things even when I don’t want to!

Products I use for Project Life:

HP sprocket   Happy Planner       Happy Planner Cover     HP sprocket paper (refill)    Carrying case for HP sprocket

What projects are you working on? How are they coming along?


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