Memorial Day-not just another day off

Today we celebrate Memorial Day which is a day we honor those who died while serving our country.  Veteran’s Day which is celebrated in November is to honor and celebrate ALL who have served our country. I am immensely grateful to those who gave their lives so that I can freely live mine the way I choose to. I think it’s incredibly important to remember that no matter what we agree on or disagree about, the ability to disagree without being killed, jailed, or having to flee to another country is precisely what those men and women gave their lives for. If you respect our military and what it stands for, you will never tell another that they have “no right”.

While many of us will get this day off to have picnics, attend parades, sit on the couch and Netflix and chill, or whatever it is you choose to do, it serves us all to remember that not everyone gets to take these days off. Medical personnel, police officers, firefighters, retail folks, (Memorial Day sales are no joke), folks at grocery stores and many others are there to serve those of us who do have the day off.

While we honor the fallen, let’s also show some extra thanks to those who are working.

I will spending the day doing a guided walking tour of Alfred Hitchcock’s San Francisco with a friend. The tour will be about 90 minutes long and then we’ll be having lunch and doing a bit of shopping in San Francisco’s Union Square.  This is what I call a pretty great getting the day off experience for me.

Tell me, if you have the day off, how will you be spending your day?

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