Month: May 2018

Memorial Day-not just another day off

Today we celebrate Memorial Day which is a day we honor those who died while serving our country.  Veteran’s Day which is celebrated in November is to honor and celebrate ALL who have served our country. I am immensely grateful to those who gave their lives so that I can freely live mine the way…

Graduation-Growing and Changing

On Tuesday, May 22 we celebrated my little sister, Alissa’s graduation from high school.. That she graduated is no great feat (in some ways) but why my 55-year old self has a 17-year old sister is kinda interesting. I grew up with 2 sisters, one 2 years older and one 5 years younger. After we…

Musical Theater-In the Heights

One of the pleasures of life is watching the next generation stretch and grow and find their passions.  I have had the pleasure of watching my niece, Choice, participate in musical theater since she was a young child. She took a break for a few years while she pursued cross-country running while in high school. …

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