Project Life for March-Late but Done

So here it is the last day of the month and I’m finally posting my Project Life spreads for March!  For me, this is good news and bad news.  The bad news is that clearly I have not been posting twice per week as planned and I missed my self-imposed deadline of getting my spreads up by mid-month.  The good news is that I’m managing to get it up within the month so I’m calling that a win!

What this does continue to demonstrate for me though is that I still struggle with time management.  I continue to try to figure out how to blog twice pr week, work full-time, and live my life all in 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  There really does not seem to be enough hours in the day. And I know that Beyoncé has the same 24 hours that I do but someone else is cleaning her house, making her meals and doing the mundane tasks that need to be done regularly! It seems that if I’m working on one thing something else suffers.  As I’ve discussed in the past, time management is something that I’m working on getting better at this year. Great, another thing added to the list!

My goal with project life for April is to have it up by mid-month.  I actually am up to date with all of the photos so I’ll need to schedule time to print them, add them to the album, write the journaling and decorate the spread.  I think this time I will try to break up the tasks and not do them all at the same time.

I also hope to be much further along with my hallway and can provide some updates. I’ll confess that in addition to having time management issues I’m also getting bored with not having the hallway done and am ready to move on to another task.  However, not only is that another post for another day, I remain committed to finishing this project before I move on to the next project.

What is next month? An opportunity to do better!

What’s going on in your world? Any projects you’re stuck on or are things moving along just as you hoped?


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