And the Beat Goes On-Hallway Decor Update

It’s not finished, but I continue to move forward with the hallway decor update. The gallery wall is not done but I have put up other decor that wasn’t there before-which thrills me!  It is one of my goals to be more thoughtful about my hallway decor.  I don’t want to just throw stuff up on the wall; I want to think about what I want and where it should go.

While I was figuring out the hallway decor, it dawned on me that I had made a decision without realizing that I had made a decision.  Photographs are very important to me.  I grew up in a family that took a lot of photos and my mother always put them in photo albums. My sisters and I spent a great deal of time looking over those albums on a very regular basis.  When out-of-town family visited, we pulled out the photo albums.  All of this to say, the decision I made without realizing it is that I want to have lots of photos around my home.  Old, new, beautiful, fuzzy, anything that depicts my life. I believe that every person has a wonderful story to tell and photos represent our lives.

New Decor:
TLP-my initials.  I bought these about a year or two ago always intending to use them but………There was nothing in this space before. This area is behind my front door.  (Ignore the dirty carpet-remember shampooing the carpet is the final task in the hallway update)!

Halltree area: This area is not complete yet but I decided to add some flair here.  The photo of the pasture was taken by an old boyfriend who was professional photographer.  He gifted this print to me several years ago.  The butterfly canvas painting was  done by my 17-year-old sister.  This was my Christmas gift.  She is very talented and does all sorts of art work.  This is my 3rd piece by her and I hope to receive many more in the future. The Warriors lunch box was a gift to season ticket holders many years ago.  I am no longer a season ticket holder but my love for the Dubs runs deep and constant!  In this area, I still plan to add either the shutters or a bulletin board and some type of receptacle for my mail.

Another area that got a refresh is not in my hallway but in my dining room.  If you recall, I was clearing out the hutch and dining room to prep for the upcoming garage sale.
Following my theme of pictures, pictures and more pictures, I have covered this table in photographs.  The photos on the wall behind the table have been there for a long time and will be getting switched out.

Next up, I will be working on adding some original artwork to my walls as well as my prized possession autographed Warriors jersey. And hopefully, the gallery wall is not far behind.

I have been working on clearing out the closets and drawers in my home in preparation for a garage sale I am doing with my friend, Debbie.  I will definitely be posting photos of that event, my first time participating in a garage sale!!  I am very excited but somewhat overwhelmed by how much stuff I have.

And finally, I am that person who has not yet started her taxes!! Doing my taxes will be front and center this week!

How are your projects coming along? Share in the comments.


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