Wall Decor and More

How I wish I were further along on this wall decor/hallway update project than I am! But I won’t fret-I will accept where I am and appreciate that I have time to do what I need and want to do.

In my defense (or by way of explanation), it’s not that I’ve necessarily been slacking or procrastinating.  I am prepping for a garage sale in mid-April and I am bound and determined to get as much stuff out of my house for the yard sale as I can.  Turns out (no surprise), I have a crap load of stuff and I am an expert at cramming a lot into very tight spaces!  Right now, my guest room/office has become the holding area for the “garage sale” items and it is getting so crowded that it feels overwhelming!  I’ve pulled my laptop out of the room and am working from my couch because it feels like all that stuff is going to attack me.

Back to the hallway: Where am I?  I am choosing and printing photos for my gallery wall and I am trying to decide what other decor to put up and where.  As I’ve said previously, things are not just returning to their old spots!  I am in the process of  painting a shutter to use as decor and as a functional piece as well.  It will operate as part bulletin board and part photo display.  In case it’s not clear, I absolutely love displaying photos of my family, friends and my life!  I am one whose photos don’t just live on the phone!

The shutter started out sort of a dirty beige and is being painted white which I think will pop nicely against my grey wall.

I have some of the photos chosen, printed and placed in their frames-SUCCESS!!

(Click on each photo for a closer look)

I still have 7 photos of various sizes to print and place in their frames.

Even when that is done, I will still be nowhere near done.  It’s all in the details!  Here is what remains:

  • Decide on and put up wall decor on the “other” wall (not the gallery wall)
  • Decide on and put up decor on the smaller areas-next to the front door, above the hall tree
  • Clean the laundry room doors
  • Change the knobs on the laundry room door to something fun (of course I don’t have these yet)!
  • Clean up the over painted areas on the ceiling
  • Spot clean and shampoo the carpet (this will actually be the final task)

There you have it!  While I had hoped to be further along, I am proud of myself for (1) continuing to up date you even though I’m not happy with the progress and (2) not jumping into another project before this one is completed (because that’s what I really want to do)!!

Are you working on anything special? Share in the comments!

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