Hallway Update-Some stuff on the Walls

Slowly but surely this hallway is coming together!  Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it would take this long to update a hallway!  However, I am humbled by the experience and will put it in my memory bank.

I really thought that I could get it done in a month and then I thought that I could finish it up in a few more weeks after that.  The reality is that timing matters and life matters.  By that I mean that I should not have chosen the holidays to start this project.  I should have done a decluttering project instead.  I should have waited until January to take the hallway apart and start the project.  I would have like been much more focused and had more energy to get things done more timely.

In any event, I am plugging along now and while it is still taking longer than I would like I feel good knowing that I am at least on the back end of this project.

This weekend I managed to get some of the decor back up though nothing went where it was originally and that was part of the plan.

These Annie Liebowitz postcard photos were originally on another wall and this time I decided to put them above the doorways to the guest room and guest bath. Previously, there was nothing above the doorways.

First things first-ignore my messy kitchen and dining room! #reallife! These signs were in this area before but in a different configuration.  The “indulge” and the “pantry” signs have been on display since I moved in 13 years ago! The “feathers” sign is a more recent purchase (2017) from Michael’s and it was on major clearance.    Michael’s really upped their farmhouse decor game in 2017.

If you look closely (or maybe not so closely), you will notice that there is some over-painting on the ceiling. This is a major source of annoyance to me but I decided that I would go ahead and replace the wall decor instead of waiting until I touched up the ceiling. My reasoning is that I was so tired of painting once the walls were done that the decor may have never made it back to the walls if I waited until the ceiling was done!

In my learning process, I have discovered that it’s the detail work that really takes it out of me.  In the future, I will attend to all of the details better.

In the meantime, the next steps are to pick and print the photos for the main hall gallery and decide on the other decor for others area in the hallway.  A couple of these areas never had any decor and other areas are being changed from what was there originally.

Are you a detail oriented person?  Where do you get tripped up in decorating and updating?  If you don’t get tripped up, please share your secrets in the comments.

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